Halteese Order

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Welcome to the forum for the Halteese Order Guild

    The Essentials


    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2013-06-26
    Location : California

    The Essentials Empty The Essentials

    Post by Skydie Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:26 pm

    Here is a compilation of the essential things every member of the Halteese Order should remember. We are a casual group with few rules, but this list may be added to and expanded with time. When we learn more about WoE we may add rules pertaining specifically to WoE or PVP or recruiting, but right now we have nothing specific in mind. Make sure you stay informed on all the things you need to know about the guild!

    Guild Rules
    We don't have many rules for the guild, but everyone should keep the following in mind:

    • Respect your guildmates...this includes respecting their opinions, their methods, and not being creepy Very Happy
    • Respect your commanding officers...if a controversial topic comes up and people start getting heated, we reserve the right to ask people to change the topic.
    • Help others...this is the founding principal of this guild. Our goal is to help everyone whether they are in our guild, in another, or in no guild at all.
    • In the event of a social issue...please do not hesitate to contact your guild leaders. It is our job to ensure you have a good experience in this guild, and we would like to avoid whatever conflicts between guildmates that we can. For technical issues, any of your guildmembers can be of assistance.
    • Be active...we do not have check in times; we are a social and casual guild, but we do expect our members to be active within reason. If you are going to be less active or unable to sign on for an extended period of time, please let us know. Anyone who is inactive for a month will be expelled, and they will be notified via email why they were expelled. They are free to rejoin providing they are active. With the creation of this forum, hopefully we can foster activity in game and out of game.
    • Donate Exp...we expect everyone under level 50 to donate 10% of their experience. You are free to donate more if you like. 10% is a small amount for people leveling; it is not enough to noticeably hurt the rate at which you level. Everyone at level 50 should keep their donation set to 50%. This is for the good of the guild. The faster we can level the guild, the bigger and better we can become.

    Things to Remember

    • When recruiting...remember we are a predominantly english speaking guild. If you want to recruit someone, make sure they can write or speak decent english. We want to recruit lots of quality members, but how many people we can have in the group depends entirely on the guild limits! The more exp you donate, the more people our guild can hold. We currently have no level restrictions at this time, but we want ACTIVE people, so when you recruit ask them how often they play and if that is their main character.
    • Be social!...we are a social guild, and there is no need to be shy. Just feel free to talk to the group. Try to avoid sticking to cliques or people you already know. We are a warm and welcoming bunch!
    • The Odin Channel is #11...this is the channel you can find the most users wandering around, but we do frequent and patrol other ones if we are farming bosses and such. Feel free to use whichever channel you like, but for questing groups and events we tend to stay with channel 11.
    • We have a User Channel for chatting...this means if you have an alt but still want to talk to the group, you can do so. To add the channel, just type U, and then click the "Channel" tab. Click "Add Channel" and type "Halteese"...from there, you need only add it to whatever tab you use predominantly by right clicking the tab  (Such as "All" or "Chatting") and check the "User Ch." box. It isn't difficult, but the system is currently bugged, so it kicks people out of the user channel with no discernible rhyme or reason. You just need to re-add it if you notice you are not in it.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:21 pm