Halteese Order

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Welcome to the forum for the Halteese Order Guild

    Zev and Doc over and OUT!


    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2013-06-30
    Age : 34
    Location : California

    Zev and Doc over and OUT! Empty Zev and Doc over and OUT!

    Post by Zevaeh Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:01 pm

    Hey everyone,

    Well.. this has been a long time coming from me, Doc.. not so much, but I'm posting it for the both of us.

    Since its put here, I'm sure you know what its for.
    Doc and I are leaving the game.
    For a lot of reasons that I really don't want to list.
    Now, I'm not saying we'll never return, we might someday, depending on things.
    It doesn't have to do with any of the guildies, though.
    Hell, is the guild even active anymore?
    I haven't logged in to check on anything in a long time.
    If Doc and I are still in the guild feel free to kick us both out.
    We're moving to Tera since I absolutely love that game.
    We were playing Aion but, I convinced Doc and BDBX to move to Tera.
    So, if anyone decides to play Tera come to Tempest Reach and then contact me through here so I can give you our IGN names.

    We wish you all the very best~

    This is Zev and Doc over and OUT!

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:07 pm