Halteese Order

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Welcome to the forum for the Halteese Order Guild

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    Age : 31
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    Post by Hilton Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:12 am

    Hi. We're all somewhat familiar with each other, but if you feel like sharing more information, please do!

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    Location : California

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    Post by Skydie Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:51 am

    You first Razz

    Posts : 39
    Join date : 2013-06-07
    Age : 31
    Location : Oklahoma

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    Post by Hilton Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:31 pm

    Well, fine!

    Ahem, where should i start off...

    Well, i guess i can start with my personality. I'm honestly somewhat shy at first, but once you get to know me i'm quite open and goofy.
    I spend most of my time at home, making music, doing art, or playing ro2 of course, so i don't have much of a social life D';

    Also, my real name is Albert (Al for short) if you guys were wondering.

    Hmm... dammit... i'm not that interesting D:

    I currently live in Oklahoma, which is in the US. I'm somewhat of a farm boy, meaning i used to work on a farm with cows and whatnot. ;-;
    Though the upside to that is all the beautiful open land i used to get to adventure around on.

    My dream is to be a music producer in any which way that may land me. For games, movies, bands, what ever. I'd also like to be a concept artist for games, but that's more of a hobby really.

    Hmm... what else...

    Oh, and for those of you who are curious as to what i look like: https://2img.net/h/i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii529/jusmiii/1011067_548636711849080_1095396406_n_zpse02ea7c3.jpg

    A fairly old picture of me when i had dreads... i really miss them QQ
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    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2013-06-29
    Age : 30
    Location : Manila, Philippines

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    Post by Sagittarius Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:11 am

    My turn pig 

    You all now I'm from the Philippines, right? I'm a college student, in my 4th yr. Taking computer engineering and hate it <_<

    My real name is Aaron. I know, I have a guy's name. But my dad said it's unisex x_x But I love my name anyways=) It fits me having a boyish personality.

    What else, my dream... To see Scandal japanese band play here in our country and meet&greet them <3 While its not yet happening, My goal is to graduate and work in Japan, lol.

    And I love playing and lazying around! You can view my pic here. What a Face 

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-07-01

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    Post by Evilyne Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:44 am

    Hello everyone Smile

    i'm Evilyne, just joined the guild some days ago. My real name is Wenyan, i'm from Taiwan, but currently i'm living in France with my bf, who's a french. I studied French here while waiting my bf finishes his study, and in some days i'll start to work for this summer. (Hope that i'll have internet there :'( ...
    well, i played RO1 before but only in taiwanese server, that means everything is only in Chinese, therefore it comes to me very often that when i play RO2, lots of things(like skills, monsters..) i can't understand in English xD hope that u guys won't get tired of me, who will ask a lot of questions.... Razz

    Posts : 29
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    Location : California

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    Post by Skydie Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:15 pm

    I'm Skydie (Sky - dee)

    I played RO1 on various private servers for 10 years or so. I play RO2 mostly out of nostalgia for the old one. I love playing support so I played support back then as well.

    I live on the west coast of the USA but I have lived on the east coast and spend a fair amount of time abroad as well. I speak a few languages very poorly, understand a few languages halfway decently, and speak english kind of okay.

    I have a full time job that is destroying my soul but I pursued artistic things in school. Instead of dreams I spend my days enjoying fine wines and craft beers.

    My personality...I am friendly and enjoy making friends and I don't put up with stupid bullshit. I am a problem solver who likes to help people and that's basically the only important stuff. If I rant or swear or complain about my health it is because I am a fiery sickly person Razz

    So that's me.

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2013-06-28
    Age : 32
    Location : Columbus, OH USA

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    Post by StickNHoles Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:50 am

    Weeelll... Hiya :DSticky here... and this is how it goes~

    I am a 21 year old college kid. Lame right? I am studying business administration lol. I hope to one day create my own video game development company! So... programmers keep me in your contacts Razz

    I'm insanely goofy , dorky and sarcastic. Many of you know this already ;3 I believe laughter prolongs life so let's keep it a constant thing! I can be serious too though... ;o sometimes....

    I've played games all my life back to Sega Genesis and SNES... Pokemon blue was my first hardcore game lol. I love games obviously. MMOs I like to play with you cool people and then beast it up in PvP after endgame ;o

    Anyways, I was born in Columbus, Ohio in the USA. It's a decent sized city and semicool. I think I want to move to Switzerland though. Right now besides school I work at a mens clothing store and just try to hang with peeps.

    Hobbies..hmm... singing (I like to a lot , you can listen if you want.) Paintballing... soccer..gaming..anime... Insanity haha.

    My name is Brock! YES FROM POKEMON...not lol. I'm your best friend or your worst enemy...you choose ;p

    Here's peectures from dis year!

    Introduce Yourself! 5a227d83-f6f9-4c7e-b32b-46cccbaa8376_zps86fc4af2

    New Style Very Happy

    Introduce Yourself! D512135c-74cf-4907-97aa-2c5bf0698844_zps307b2540

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2013-07-08

    Introduce Yourself! Empty Ahoy there!

    Post by Piley Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:16 am

    Hello everyone,
    Piley is my ingame name, My real name is Lindsey. I'm Irish both by heritage as well as being 2nd generation child of immigrants in america (my grandparents on both sides). I have alot of Irish pride and speak Gaeilge (gaelic) pretty easily (please no Irish jokes in response to this I'm really tired of those -_-). I'm 24 and a college graduate, my specialty is Language and am truckin on towards a job in being a translator and no, not for Gaeilge.

    My heritage has influenced my life greatly so dont be surprised that if you mention Ireland or mythology that I might go on and on about celtic religion, it's what I grew up hearing and learning. And yes I am Celtic myself and I would appreciate respect toward the belief systems.

    All seriousness aside, I'm pretty mellow as well as fiery and free spirited. I love to talk, draw, sculpt and play music ( I play the flute, classical not the irish flute lol!). I try my best to be funny but as many have told me my jokes are riddled with puns and are about as funny as knock knock jokes (dont worry I dont believe in torturing others with my "Humor").

    Thats all I've got for now Razz

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-07-05

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    Post by Warrent Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:53 pm

    Hey guys, Warent here! Real names Chris and I'm a military guy which will account for my random periods of inactivity...I'll give a heads up when I can but um..yea. I'm from the DC area...questions?

    May not have a lev 50 (yet) but I'm willing to go back to areas to help out with anyone who needs DPS for dungeons. I'm a nice enough guy, and will dish out bad puns every chance I get!

    Posts : 22
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    Age : 34
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    Post by Zevaeh Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:49 am

    ... H-Hello

    I'm terrible at these things.. so I'm not quite sure what to say.. for a lot of reasons.. but watch I'll end up posting a huge post.. anyway.. >.>;


    I'm quite shy actually(believe it or not), it takes me a little while to talk in guild chat because of that shiness, so that's why I don't talk all that often, I usually make Doc do all the talking. I'm not as shy as I am offline, offline its just.. terrible, terrible, awful. I have a social anxiety, YAY!.. Don't judge me...TT__TT
    I can be a goof ball though! I mean seriously.. just wait..
    Moving on..

    I'm from California, yeah yeah, I know.. and no I'm not some beach babe with sunkissed skin or anything like that, I'm quite atrocious actually. Yep.
    I'd like to visit some other countries, heck, some other states would be nice too. I've never crossed the boarder of California, never ever. Sad huh?
    I've been out of my city and all over California though so that isn't too bad.


    I am TheDoctor(aka Gomer, Xurelie, Kittah)s' girlfriend. We've been together almost two years now, it'll be two years in September.
    Oh, my name.. is Megan.. v.v...
    I like the color(s) blue and mint green.
    I love Doctor Who and My Little Pony.
    Derpy Hooves is best pony.

    I like cute stuff, you should see my desk and my hutch.. its covered in kawaiiness..^^;

    I cosplay. Yes, I actually cosplay. I've cosplayed as Mozilla FireFox(made my own costume out of minky fur, hardest stuff to sew.. SO MUCH FUR!), but I've retired that cosplay as my boyfriend has taken over my tail and ears. I've also cosplayed as Stocking from PSG(Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt). I've done the generic maid/lolita cosplays and right now I am currently working on my Derpy Hooves cosplay.

    I am also an artist in two things, photography and sculpting. You can visit my gallery here..clickmeplz ..to see my work if you want, but you don't have to. ^^;
    I spend a lot of my time at home. I lack a real social life since my friends all got married, had babies, got jobs and basically grew up and whatnot, all the fun just went away after that. ^^; However, I don't spend all my time gaming or anything. I work from home, sort of. I say sort of because I've only been selling online for about a year, actually, selling online and offline for a little over a year. Like I said I sculpt and do photography, while my photography doesn't bring me any money, yet, my sculpting does. I don't do any hardcore, professional, perfect, amazing, glorious, fantastic sculpting.. but I make stuff out of clay. Its a great stress reliever and its something I love to do for the past 8 years now but I still have a long way to go before I am any good.

    What else..


    Uh.. I think I may be talking too much..

    v///v... Told you I would end up posting a huge post..

    But there you have it! My.. introduction..


    Posts : 25
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    Age : 32
    Location : Columbus, OH USA

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    Post by StickNHoles Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:32 am

    Haha Aw Zev :3 Doc make her talk more! Very Happy That's why I always try to annoy you Razz To make you loosen up!

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    Age : 30
    Location : Manila, Philippines

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    Post by Sagittarius Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:05 am

    What a cute post, zev x3 And we're the same, btw. Having social anxiety and such. I feel ya :'( I'm socially awkward in person sometimes. <_<

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    Age : 44
    Location : Phoenix, AZ USA

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    Post by BDBX Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:07 am

    Hello all its me TheBDBX. Real name is William Duane Lange Colvin, or Billy for short Very Happy. I live in Phoenix, AZ USA. I live with my dad and grandma. I have a little bro he is 18 and lives with my mom. I have life I stay at home and play games. I have 3 friends I see probley twice a month and talk to them about the same. I have one other friend that I talk to less then the others. In RL I am anti-social hate crowds well I hate people lol. Only time I hang out with people is online in games.

    The other game I play is League of Legends but that game sucks with rude people. So I started RO2 and felt right at home because of Hilton and stick helping me through the wolf dungeons. The Doc is always there to help with quests. So thanks all of you.

    Posts : 25
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    Age : 32
    Location : Columbus, OH USA

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    Post by StickNHoles Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:32 pm

    Welcome aboard sir! but I need to play League sometimes! :O

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    Age : 44
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    Post by BDBX Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:39 pm

    StickNHoles wrote:Welcome aboard sir! but I need to play League sometimes! :O

    ya i know lol i will play with you sometimes.

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