Halteese Order

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    So... let's play MOBAs?


    Which MOBA should we try?

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    So... let's play MOBAs? Vote_lcap0%So... let's play MOBAs? Vote_rcap [0%] 
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    So... let's play MOBAs? Vote_lcap0%So... let's play MOBAs? Vote_rcap [0%] 
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    So... let's play MOBAs? Vote_lcap0%So... let's play MOBAs? Vote_rcap [0%] 

    Total Votes: 0

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2013-06-28
    Age : 32
    Location : Columbus, OH USA

    So... let's play MOBAs? Empty So... let's play MOBAs?

    Post by StickNHoles Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:57 pm

    Well, hello! Tired of grinding on RO for items in dungeons? Have several level 50s and waiting for in game content? Maybe you have nothing else productive to due with your time off from RO besides play more games!?

    Then have I got an idea for you...

    Some of you have heard me in game asking you... yes, I asked some of you to choose a game to play... a MOBA... a MOBA... is a game that is like DotA... basically Multiplayer RPG Strategy. You work as a team in groups of 5 in these types of games... and you do all sorts of awesome things and then fight to the death! That's the simple part of it. It's fun, VERY challenging... and with friends it's like the best thing ever.

    The three TOP games like this currently are: DotA2, HoN, and LoL.
    DotA2 link: http://blog.dota2.com/
    HoN link: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/
    LoL: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/

    Now, these games are difficult. That being said, the community can get angry if you mess up. But who cares? You can mute then... and besides, if 5 or more of us all play together... we don't have to have anyone yelling at each other Very Happy
    We can grow and teach each other how to play a competitive but friendly game.

    I myself played LoL for about 6 months and was pretty good at it... I quit because a lot of people I met on there did too so I just said meh. ALSO... Hilton plays it Wink So it HAS to be cool if we both play it, I mean... come on! Also, Ardney plays HoN as well. It can be addicting, so manage your time well if you do play!

    HoN and DotA2 are VERY similar games... are more difficult than LoL too. They have extra added things LoL does not. So, I suggest playing LoL as it is the easiest of the three and would then take less time to do well at (and be less frustrating). Yes, it can be hard at first but don't give up... why would you want to play an easy, boring game? That's no fun!

    ALL I am asking is for you guys to give it a try... at least once :Dand if you're serious, we can all Skype call or something which would enhance our experience both by boosting performance in game (reaction time/calling/etc.) and let us have funny conversations Very Happy

    So, vote for which you think we should play :3 I am open to learning any of them!afro

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:55 am