Halteese Order

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    Prevent Spoilers


    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2013-06-26
    Location : California

    Prevent Spoilers Empty Prevent Spoilers

    Post by Skydie Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:06 pm

    When talking about game content in other games,  please keep your fellow gamers in mind.  There may be some people who have not completed the game yet! To  prevent spoilers,  use the  forum's  spoiler code and make a note of what the spoiler pertains to.

    For example,  this:

     Bioshock 1 spoiler ahead! [spoiler]I am  your daddeh [/spoiler]

    Will  become  this:
    Bioshock 1 spoiler ahead!

    If  you make a topic that you intend to be about spoilers,  title it as a potential spoiler thread so no one stumbles in. If I want to talk all about  the end of mass effect three,  my topic title should be something like The ending of Mass Effect 3 (spoilers)

    Be kind to your  guildmates,  and if you think something might be a spoiler,  play safe and cover it up

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:33 am